Get 20% off this month when you try our services!
Get 20% off this month when you try our services!
The NGVS meets on the 4th Thursday of each month at 6:30 P.M. in the banquet room of the North Georgia Barbeque, 897 S. Main St., Cleveland, Ga, located in the Colonial Square Shopping Center. Our meetings usually have a speaker on topics that inform and benefit our members. See events section for more information.
On 5/30/2016, the NGVS funded and dedicated the White County Veterans Memorial listing the White County citizens who were casualties of war since WWI.
On 5/19/2018, the NGVS funded and dedicated a statue memorializing White County's highest decorated soldier, Rondall Glaze.
On 11/11/2021, the NGVS funded and dedicated a memorial to all veterans in Helen Veterans Park, Helen, Ga.
On March 29 each year, the NGVS holds a Vietnam Veterans Day tribute in Freedom Park, Cleveland, Ga.
On November 11 each year the NGVS sponsors a Veterans Day dinner.
Each year, the NGVS sponsors a Memorial Day event to pay tribute to our fallen
brothers-in-arms . The ceremony is conducted at Helen Veterans Park, Helen, Ga.
Clydes Table and Tavern, 5 E. Jarrard St., Cleveland, Ga.
All NGVS Veterans are invited to attend the CWO4 Jack Sousa Memorial, U.S. Marine Corp birthday celebration. Free Hors d'oeuvres and cash ...
Clydes Table and Tavern, 5 E. Jarrard St., Cleveland, Ga.
Nacoochee Methodist Church, 1371 Hwy. 17, Sautee, Ga. Parking in the rear and on the East side of the church.
We invite all veterans to attend the NGVS Veterans Day tribute. We will have a dinner and a Veterans salute program. Dinner will feature you...
Nacoochee Methodist Church, 1371 Hwy. 17, Sautee, Ga. Parking in the rear and on the East side of the church.
Dinner and tribute program, 11/11/24, 6:30 P.M., at Nacoochee Methodist Church, 1371 Hwy. 17, Sautee, Ga.
The annual dues are used to defray expenses for speaker's dinners, website fees, rental of venues for special ceremonies, federal and state fees for non-profit licenses, awards plaques, printing fees for brochers, programs, etc.
1. President: The President of NGVS shall:
(a) Have general executive authority over the affairs of NGVS, subject to guidance
from the BOD. (b) Conduct regular monthly meetings and represent the NGVS at other venues and Public functions in which the NGVS is invited or participating.
(c) Represent the NGVS before governmental bodies and private organizations.
(d) Appoint all committees as necessary to carry out NGVS functions and programs. (e) Represent the NGVS before governmental bodies and private organizations.
(f) Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees.
(g) Be an authorized signatory on NGVS financial accounts and all Georgia corporation and Federal IRS Documents.
(h) In conjunction with Vice-President and members, solicit and recruit speakers for regular monthly meetings and NGVS special occasions.
(i) Be authorized to expend no more than $500 in emergency expenditures
from NGVS treasury without BOD or membership approval.
(j) Recruit new members whenever possible. (k) Present to the membership recommendations/proposals from committees
(l) Serve as a voting member of the BOD . (m) Appoint Honorary Officers who can serve as non-voting members on the BOD and
appoint honorary members who can serve on committees to further the goals and
objectives of the NGVS.
2. Vice-President: The Vice President of the NGVS shall: `
(a) In the absence or incapacity of the President, perform the duties of the President.
(b) Assist the President as required, and perform any additional duties requested by President and/or BOD.
(c) In conjunction with Officers and members, arrange for speakers and programs for monthly meetings.
(d) Recruit new members whenever possible.
(e) Serve as a voting member of the BOD
3. Secretary: The Secretary of the NGVS shall:
(a) Attend and keep the minutes of all meetings of NGVS to include BOD meetings.
(b) Provide sufficient copies of minutes for business meetings and posting to NGVS
(c) Receive and file correspondence necessary to meet any/all NGVS legal requirements as required by state/federal law.
(d) Perform all other duties incidental to the office as may be required by the President . or BOD
(e) Solicit and maintain membership information and records and ensure the President has a current membership roster.
(f) Recruit new members whenever possible.
(g) Serve as voting member of the BOD
(h) In the absence or incapacity of the President and Vice-President, assume the duties
of President.
4. Treasurer: The NGVS Treasurer shall:
. (a) Have charge of all funds generated by NGVS and with approval of President and
BOD set up bank accounts to conduct financial obligations of NGVS.
(b) Keep an accurate account of NGVS financial transactions and render a balance
sheet report when requested by the President or BOD.
(c) Prepare a written financial report on yearly income and expenditures at the June meeting each year.
(d) Ensure that expenditures for any project or NGVS endeavor over $3,000 shall have membership approval by a vote of a quorum of the membership before the
expenditure is made.
(e) The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection of membership dues. If a new
member joins, the Treasurer will obtain the biographical and contact information on
the new member and forward the bio and contact information to the Secretary for
maintenance of membership roles.
(f) Serve as a voting member of the BOD.
1. The NGVS BOD will be composed of the four elected officers, and an elected At-Large
member. The At-Large candidate will be chosen from the membership by the nomination
process and/or the floor nomination process and secret ballot election.
2. The duties of the BOD will be:
(a) Approve budgets over $500 for all projects to be conducted by NGVS
(b) Approve all contracts to be entered into by NGVS
(c) Provide guidance to President and Vice-President on significant actions, goals,
objectives or projects to be undertaken on behalf of NGVS.
(d) Provide guidance and advice to all committees that are impaneled to further goals
and objectives of NGVS.
(e) Administer a program of awards to be designed by BOD.
(f) Have authority to expend up to $3,000 for emergency expenses without
membership approval.
(g) In the absence/unavailability of an elected officer, the BOD will nominate and the
membership will vote on an acting officer until the elected officer is available.
A. The President shall appoint certain officers to advance NGVS programs and ensure
effective and efficient operation of the NGVS. These officers serve at the pleasure of the
President for a term to be determined by the President.
B.Current Appointed Officers are:
1. Sergeant-at-Arms: Duties include:
(a) At monthly meetings ensure flags are properly displayed
(b) Secure doors to meeting area and ensure only NGVS members and guests are
present in the meeting area.
(c) Ensure the proper display of flags and NGVS banners at public events.
(d) Recruit members to assist in handing out information brochures/fliers at public
(e) Recruitment of new members.
2. Chaplain: Duties include
(a) Offering the invocation at regular meetings and other NGVS events.
(b) Attempt to determine the well-being of members and inform the President and
membership of illness or deaths of members.
(c) Along with the President, offer bereavement services to the family of deceased
(d) Offer and procure flowers, food, charitable donations and other needs to family of
deceased NGVS members.
(e) Recruitment of new members.
3. Historian: Duties include:
(a) Keeping and maintaining a written record of NGVS activities, accomplishments and
public events.
(b) Responsibility for collection of photographs, newspaper clippings, and such other
items as necessary in the proper recording of NGVS history.
(c) Responsible for affixing historical memorabilia in bound volumes so as to insure
(d) Recruit new members whenever possible.
1. At the April meeting of an election year, the President shall appoint a Chair and
two members for the Nominations Committee.
2. The Nominations Committee will solicit candidates for each elective office and ensure
the candidate's willingness to serve the term of a certain elected office.
3. From the solicited candidates, who are willing to serve, the Nominations Committee
will select, by majority vote, a candidate for each elective office.
1. At the May meeting of an election year, the Nominations Committee Chair will
present the slate of candidates voted on by the Nominations Committee. The Chair
will present a candidate for President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and BOD
2. After the Nominations Committee has reported its slate of candidates, the President
will open the nomination process to the attending membership.
3. If there are nominations from the floor and more than one candidate for a specific
office is nominated, the President will conduct a secret ballot election for the
contested office. There will be no proxy or absentee voting provisions. A majority vote
from the attending membership will determine which candidate is elected to the
contested office.
4. If there are no nominations from the floor, the slate of candidates proposed by the
Nominations Committee will be presented to the attending membership for a voice –
yea and nay – vote.
1. All terms of office for elective offices will be for two (2) years. There are NO term
limit provisions as to consecutive terms. The term of office for the outgoing
President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer will end at the June meeting and
new officers will take office at that time.
2. At the June meeting, the new President will preside over an appreciation ceremony
for the out-going officers.
1. If an elected officer resigns, the remaining BOD members will select a candidate
and present the candidate as an acting-elected officer to the membership at the next
regular meeting.
2. If the President resigns, then the acting-President will open nominations from the floor
and if there are nominations, the BOD candidate and the floor-nominated candidates
will be compete for position in a secret ballot election. A majority vote from the
attending membership will determine who will be elected to the vaacated position. 3. The newly elected officer will serve out the term of the officer who vacated the office.
1. Any elected officer who commits a criminal act, an act of moral turpitude, or an act
that brings public disdain or discredit upon the integrity or reputation of the
NGVS, may be impeached.
2. To initiate the impeachment process, the BOD will prepare a bill of particulars into
an indictment of the officer. If the impeachment involves the President, the BOD
will suspend the elected President and appoint an acting-President who will present
the indictment at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
3. The indictment will be presented in writing to members at the next regular meeting.
The members will debate the indictment and the President or acting-President will
call for a vote on impeachment. A majority vote of the attending members will be
required for the impeachment of an officer.
4. The impeached officer will be replaced by the Nominations and Election process
outlined in section X – sub-section A&B above. The election for the vacated
position will take place at the next scheduled meeting after the impeachment vote.
A. NGVS Military Observance Dates:
1. Vietnam Veterans Day – March 29th
2. Memorial Day – May 30th
3. Veterans Day – November 11th
1. The BOD shall be responsible for the creation and administration of a program of
awards to be presented to NGVS members and non- members deemed worthy of
2. The BOD shall recommend awards to the President for deserving NGVS members
and non-members who have performed community services or service to
A. Uniform Occasions
1. On certain occasions such as: formal dinners, military funerals for members;
Memorial Day and Veterans Day events, the NGVS may wear a civilian uniform
clothing that distinguishes NGVS members.
2. The wearing of the civilian uniform by members at certain functions will be at the
discretion of the President.
3. The NGVS civilian uniform shall consist of the following:
(a) Navy blue blazer for both men and women
(b) Grey slacks or skirt
(c) White shirt or blouse
(d) Black shoes
(e) Official NGVS name badge on right lapel
(f) Authorized miniature medals worn on left side of blazer
(g) Campaign Tie or scarf (go to website – - look for RWB tie – Item #
4. Any member who has an OFFICIAL military uniform from the branch of the military
service in which he/she served and said uniform is in presentable fashion can
substitute his/her military uniform for the civilian uniform.
A. These NGVS By-laws may be changed by amendment at either the monthly meetings or
at a BOD meeting.
B. Notice of proposed changes must be communicated to the membership by email or at
a monthly meeting.
C. After discussion of the changes, the membership must approve the changes by a majority voice vote.
D. Changes to the By-laws shall be inscribed in the By-laws document by the current
President and signed by that President and Secretary.
Approved by the general membership. Attested to this, 26th day of May, 2022.
President_______________________ Secretary__________________________
J. Ronnie Webb Ronald Hill
Northeast Georgia Veterans Society (NGVS) Meeting Minutes, September 26,
Northeast Georgi Veterans Society (NGVS) Meeting Minutes, August 22, 2024
The monthly dinner meeting of the Northeast Georgia Veterans Society was held Thursday, August 22, 1024, in the conference room of the North Georgia Barbeque, 897 S. Main Street, Cleveland, Ga in the Colonial Square shopping center.
The meeting was called to order President Ron Webb at 6:30 p.m.
The Invocation was given by Michael O'Donell; President Webb led the Pledge of Allegiance.
President Webb welcomed guest Samuel (Sam) Cochran, who served in the United States Army. Mr. Cochran later that same evening became a member of the NGVS.
Mr. Webb took the time to inform the gathering that member Paul Kororoz, who has been dealing with the effects of cancer treatments "was still hanging in there," as he put it. Mr. Webb also provided an update on the health of the organization's Chaplin, Mac Gregory, whom he said had spend some time in the hospital "dealing with confusion issues," but they had "let him go home," and is still taking tests to diagnose his ailments.
Society Treasurer Caleb Huiet reported that the NGVS has a little over $10,000 on hand.
In the way of old business, Mr. Webb said it was important that all members who had not done so as yet needed to get their annual dues in to get us current in that respect.
It was announced that on September 14 the NGVS would have an event at Freeman Park to celebrate the 237th anniversary of our Constitution. To help celebrate that event in our nation's history. he had spoken to people at White County High School and asked for their cooperation from the students to participate in an essay contest, the gist of which is to let them express what this sacred document meant to them.
Mr. Webb asked for volunteers to help judge those essays. Tony McIntyre, Jack Norris, Cal Riley, Caleb Huiet and Mr. Webb all stepped up. He later added Michael O'Donell.
Mr. Webb let it be known that the NGVS would award the winner of the essay contest $500. The second-place winner would get $300 and third-place winner would be awarded $200.
Webb said he had asked Bob Ingram, NGVS member and highly respected professor at Truett-McConnell to be the speaker for the event, since Mr. Ingram teaches the Constitution at our local university.
Mr. Webb introduced the guest speaker George Shipley, who was a Navy Corpsman in Vietnam. Shipley had a wealth of pictures that helped him tell his his experiences as a Naval Corpsman working with the 3rd Marine Division. Most were not aware that corpsman actually trained with Marines, who came to refer to him as "Doc," a name he cherishes to this day.
Corpsmen just did not tag along with the Marines, he said, taking care of those wounded or dying in the numerous combat operations he experience. They ate, slept and stood side-by-side of the Marines 24/7.
One of many quite interesting bits of information Shipley related was that 80% of the corpsmen that accompanied the Marines in battle perished. The enemy made it a priority to try to dispose of them. Yet that is what he volunteered to do.
But had made it clear from the very beginning of this training. He wanted to serve those brave souls as best he could. He did say after his enlistment was over and he came back to the states, it took him about five years for him to get over the gut-wrenching action that he saw and the lives that he crossed paths with as a result of his commitment and dedication to the brave men he was there to help as he could.
The meeting was dismissed at 8:17 p.m.
Information compiled by Tony McIntyre, Recording Secretary, NGVS
Tony McIntyre
All American Specialties, Inc
5156 Carson Court
Buford, GA 30518
The monthly dinner meetings of the Northeast Georgia Veterans Society
was held Thursday, September 26, 2024, at Javi's Mexican Grill & Tavern.
154 Wilford Ash Sr. Parkway, Cleveland, GA, 30528.
The meeting was called to order by President Ron Webb at 6:34.
Paul Watkins gave the invocation Mr. Webb led the Pledge of Allegiance.
President Webb mentioned that he had not heard from John Green, a
Society member, in some time, who has been dealing with "health issues,"
as Webb phrased it.
Since Society Treasurer Caleb Huiet was not in attendance, there was no
treasurer's report. But since Society Recording Secretary had checked
with Huiet prior to the meeting to check on that business, Huiet had
reported there was in access of $10,000.00 in the account.
On the subject of "Old Business," President Webb expressed
"disappointment with the turnout" from the membership from the recent
Society-sponsored event held at Freedom Park in Cleveland to celebrate
the 237th anniversary of our nation's Constitution.
Webb reported that only nine veterans of the NGVS were in attendance at
the event. Webb praised Bob Ingram, Society member and history professor
at Truett McConnell University, for doing " a great job" with his very
well delivered breakdown of the Constitution and its 27 Amendments.
At the event itself three students from White County High School - all
girls - received checks from the organization for their essays on how
they appreciate the memorable piece of legislation created by Thomas
Jefferson, in particular
Webb did make it known that venerable Society member Andy Negra had a
good excuse for not being in attendance at the Constitution event. He
was sick with COVID, but had recovered and was in attendance.
But Webb once again reiterated that he was "disappointed" at the lack of
attendance of the organization's membership at the event, again, only nine.
It took the granddaughter of the evening's speaker Colonel Cal Riley to
get the pictorial slide material up and running, for which President
Webb praised the young lady for her skill in that regard, regretting
that he was "an analog man in a digital world," and admission Webb has
frequently made in public.
Since there were fewer than 15 members in attendance, those that missed
Riley's talk on how armored vehicles played a role in the Vietnam War,
missed a lot of insight, personal and professional, as presented by Riley.
Riley's talk had several humorous stories. One involved him wearing a
mustache for a brief period of time, which he shaved when a superior
officer told him "real officers don't wear mustaches," and called those
that do "pompous assholes."
Riley. born in Jacksonville, Florida, but raised in Montgomery, Alabama,
is quite a story himself. His biography is one that deserves more than a
brief mention.
In high school, Riley played football, baseball, and track. He was
All-State and All-American as a sprinter and hurdler. He attended the
University of Missouri on an athletic scholarship. He also holds a
Masters of Arts in Education from Washington University, St. Louis
Missouri, and had 39 credits toward a Doctorate. He taught Leadership at
the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency for Senior Executive Personnel.
But back to his military service, upon graduation from the University of
Missouri, the now 77-year-old Riley was commissioned as a Second
Lieutenant in the Armor Branch of the U.S. Army in 1968.
His initial assignment was an the Assistant Operations and Security
Officer of the Armor School Brigade at Fr. Knox, Kentucky.
Subsequently, he was sent to South Vietnam and assigned to the Third
Squadron, Fourth Calvary Regiment, 25th Infantry Division.
He served as a Platoon Leader, Executive Officer, Troop Commander of
Alpha Troop, and Assistant Operations Officer for the Squadron.
His follow-on assignments include commands and training positions in
various commands and countries.
The meeting was dismissed at 7:28 p.m.
Information compiled by Tony McIntyre, Recording Secretary, NGVS
Tony McIntyre
All American Specialties, Inc
5156 Carson Court
Buford, GA 30518
www.allamericanspecialties.comNortheast Georgia Veterans Society (NGVS) Meeting Minutes May 23, 2024
Monthly Dinner meeting of the Northeast Georgia Veterans Society was held Thursday, May 23, 2024, in the conference room of the North Georgia Barbeque, 897 S. Main St, Cleveland, GA in the Colonial Square shopping center.
Meeting called to order by President Ron Webb at 6:36 PM Invocation/Pledge: The invocation was given by Victor Gregory, and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by President Ron Webb. Recognition of Visitors: President Ron Webb welcomed guest Ben Lawrence USN 1987 to the NGVS meeting. Committee Reports: Treasurer, Caleb Huiet presented the treasurer’s report. Health Issues: Paul Kozoroz is still sick but fighting. Mike ODonell is having health issues. We need a volunteer for the Secretary position. Please keep these comrades in arms in your prayers. Announcements: President Ron Webb – Memorial Day Ceremony at 10 AM, Monday in Helen if no rain. Old Business: Yonah Lodge will be putting the Memorial Crosses out in downtown Cleveland. Contact the Lodge if you would like to get a cross to represent a veteran. President Ron Webb – introduced to the members present the recipient of the NGVS Scholarship Award, James Cooley who will be on his way to West Point after graduation. Guest Speaker – President Ron Webb introduced our guest speaker; Andy Negra. Andy shared about his trip to Normandy last June to commemorate D-Day; the storming of the beaches on June 6, 1944. He is planning on a return trip this year as well. Andy also shared about the Fox News Patriot Award “Salute to Service” he received in 2023. President Ron Webb – Presented Andy with a plaque from NGVS commemorating his 100th birthday! President Ron Webb – Dismissed the meeting at 8:07 PM
Mike O’Donell ___6/4/2024___ Recording Secretary, NGVS Date
Northeast Georgia Veterans Society (NGVS) Meeting Minutes February 22, 2024
Monthly Dinner meeting of the Northeast Georgia Veterans Society was held Thursday, February 22, 2024, in the conference room of the North Georgia Barbeque, 897 S. Main St, Cleveland, GA in the Colonial Square shopping center.
Meeting called to order by President Ron Webb at 6:30 PM Invocation/Pledge: Invocation led by Jerry Corley, Assistant Chaplin NGVS. Pledge of Allegiance led by President Ron Webb Recognition of Visitors: President Ron Webb recognized four new visitors to the NGVS meeting; having them give their name, service affiliation and a little about themselves. Committee Reports: Treasurer, Caleb Huiet presented a detailed report. Health Issues: Paul Kozoroz is continuing in his cancer treatments. There is no further information at this time. Please continue to keep him in your prayers. Announcements by President Ron Webb: President Ron Webb – we have received 1 application for the ROTC Scholarship thus far. There could be more applications in the coming days. President Ron Webb – Tony McIntyre wrote an article about the life and accomplishments of Ron Hill that was published in the White County News. The written piece was made into a very nice plaque by Tony McIntyre and was presented to Ron Hill’s wife Shirley by President Webb. Thank you, Ron, for your dedication and service. You are missed. President Ron Webb – Andy Negra was honored for his receipt of the ‘Salute to Service Award’ from the Fox News during the recent Patriot Awards. Andy spoke to the membership about receiving the award and what it meant to him. Andy will be turning 100 years old this May. President Ron Webb – announced that NGVS member Terry Goodger is running for re-election as county commissioner. President Webb noted that Terry is the only veteran currently serving on the county commission. President Ron Webb – introduced tonight’s speaker, High Sherriff of White County, Rick Kelley. Sherriff Kelley reported on the state of the Sherriff’s Department of White County. Sherriff Kelley held a Q and A after his presentation. New Business: President Ron Webb – announced the Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial Day ceremony will be held in Freedom Park on March 30, 2024, at 10 AM with Colonel Cal Riley speaking. Michael O’Donell – asked those that took membership applications to please complete them and return them to him. Michael O’Donell – The 50/50 drawing was won by Andy Negra, Andy returned the $10 back to NGVS. President Ron Webb – Dismissed the meeting at 7:40 PM
Mike O’Donell __________ Recording Secretary, NGVS Date NGVS BOD2/22/24 Meeting Meeting Opened: President Ron Webb opened the Board Meeting at 7:45 PM. Members Present: Ron Webb – President Bob Ingram – Vice President Mike O’Donell – Recording Secretary Caleb Huiet – Treasurer Tony McIntyre Michael O’Donell – spoke about the possibility of inviting Lt Col Amos Davidowitz to share with the NGVS membership at the March monthly meeting. Amos would be giving a review regarding the ongoing war in Israel. Mike spoke of the need for a stipend for Colonel Davidowitz. Tony McIntyre asked what amount we thought would be appropriate. Bob Ingram – reminded everyone that at the last Board of Directors meeting we discussed the amount of $500. If NGVS cannot afford the $500 stipend, then the Board of Directors members can contribute $100 each and ask the NGVS membership to contribute what they can. Tony McIntyre – asked if the Rotary Club could be involved. I (Mike) said yes, they can, but with no stipend as their by-laws do not permit payment to their speakers. Bob Ingram – asked for a vote of the Board of Directors members as to whether Colonel Davidowitz should receive a stipend. The Board of Directors membership agreed to pay $100 per Board Member and raise the additional monies. Ron Webb – said he would send an email to the NGVS membership about Lt Col Amos Davidowitz coming to the US and speaking to raise awareness of what is truly going on in Israel. Ron added he will give the membership an opportunity to contribute at the March NGVS meeting for the speaker. Bob Ingram – NGVS cannot pay out of their own funds. We are asking the membership to give what they can along with what the Board Members contribute. We will keep the $500 among ourselves in hopes of receiving a good contribution at the March meeting from the membership. Ron Webb – we will have to move the March NGVS meeting date to accommodate the dates he will be in the area. We will be at the Rotary Club at noon and here at 6:30 pm on the 26th of March. Bob Ingram – said we need to contact North Georgia University. Ron Web – said he will contact them.
Meeting Adjourned: President Ron Webb adjourned the meeting.
Respectfully submitted: ___________________________________ ____________ Michael O’Donell, Secretary NGVS Date Board Meeting Minutes – NGVS January 25, 2024 – 5:30 pm Meeting Opened: President Ron Webb opened the Board Meeting at 5:30 PM. Members Present: Ron Webb – President Bob Ingram – Vice President Mike O’Donell – Recording Secretary Caleb Huiet – Treasurer Tony McIntyre Vietnam Veterans Day – March 29, 2024 Brochure Printing for future events – Bob suggested we see about looking into Ron Hill’s computer for the brochure templates. Ron Webb noted we would need to be in touch with Ron Hill’s son-in-law. He would be able to help in that area of search. Mike O’Donell volunteered to send the template items he had received from Ron Hill to Bob Ingram and Ron Webb for review. Tony McIntyre reported that his company cannot do the brochures for free, but he can check on pricing for NGVS. Social Media, Facebook, and Website: Although Ron usually takes care of these; he is requesting someone’s help over the next few months. We need a volunteer to update the sites about events and upcoming meetings. Tony McIntyre suggested we ask for a qualified volunteer in the meeting tonight to step up and help for a few months. Bob Ingram concurred with Tony’s suggestion. Constitution Day Event: Bob Ingram volunteered to be speaker for the Event. Committee members to review entries: Bob, Mike, and Tony Bob Ingram: Event Chairman The Glaze ROTC Scholarship: Committee members to review applications: Mike, Tony, and Caleb Applications are received in February and reviewed. Northeast Georgia Veterans Society (NGVS) Meeting Minutes January 25, 2024
Monthly Dinner meeting of the Northeast Georgia Veterans Society was held Thursday, January 25, 2024, in the conference room of the North Georgia Barbeque, 897 S. Main St, Cleveland, GA in the Colonial Square shopping center.
Meeting called to order by President Ron Webb at 6:30 PM Invocation/Pledge: Invocation led by Paul Watkins. Pledge of Allegiance led by President Ron Webb Recognize New Members: President Ron Webb recognized Daniel Almond – USMC 1999-2007 Committee Reports: Treasurer, Caleb Huiet presented a detailed report. Health Issues: Ron Webb paid tribute to Bob Frederikson and Ron Hill. Both were stalwart NGVS members. They were heavily involved in our organization. They will be greatly missed. They have gone on to their reward. Paul Kozoroz is having cancer treatment on his lymph nodes this week. Please keep him in your prayers. Announcements by President Ron Webb: President Ron Webb – we need volunteers to go over applications for the ROTC Scholarship. The following members volunteered to go over the applications: Bob Ingram/Chair, Ryan London, Roger Rosdahl, and Doug Talmage. President Ron Webb – introduced Mr. James Wilson from the Yonah Masonic Lodge #382 Cleveland, GA. Mr. Wilson gave a presentation on veteran’s memorial markers. He advised that anyone could purchase a marker to honor a veteran as long as the purchaser lived in White County. Pricing for the markers is a one-time fee of $150. The veteran’s DD214 is required for the purchase of the veteran's marker. President Ron Webb – asked Mr. Wilson if there was any chance of getting a marker for the 35 KIA that are listed on the monument in Freedom Park? Mr. Wilson said they would see what they could do. NGVS will be responsible for the design and wording on the markers as well as the $150 per marker. Mr. Wilson promised to get back with his findings on this proposed project to Ron Webb. President Ron Webb – announced Colonel Cal Riley will be the speaker for the Vietnam Veteran’s Day Event held on Friday, March 29, 2024. President Ron Webb – sought ideas/suggestions for fund raisers for NGVS in the coming year. Thank you for getting back to him ASAP with your creative ideas. Other Announcements: Bill Higgins – announced that he had NGVS t-shirts and shirts for sale. Please see him after the meeting. President Ron Webb – introduced tonight’s speaker, Leyna Mashburn, RN,BSN. She is the district Immunization Coordinator for District 2 Public Health which covers 13 counties in NE Georgia. Ms. Mashburn spoke to us about respiratory illness prevention and vaccines.
President Ron Webb dismissed – The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM. Mike O’Donell __1-29-2024__ Recording Secretary, NGVS Date
Northeast Georgia Veterans Society (NGVS) Meeting Minutes October 26, 2023 Monthly Dinner meeting of the Northeast Georgia Veterans Society was held Thursday, October 26, 2023, in the conference room of the North Georgia Barbeque, 897 S. Main St, Cleveland, GA in the Colonial Square shopping center.
Meeting called to order by President Ron Webb at 6:30 PM Invocation/Pledge: Invocation led by Jerry Corley. Pledge of Allegiance led by President Ron Webb Recognize New Member: President Ron Webb recognized RK Ackerman – RK told us about some of his experiences in the US Army from 1970-1972. Welcome RK! Committee Reports: No Treasurer report...Treasurer, Caleb Huiet had hip surgery this week. Swift and smooth healing to Caleb. Announcements by President Ron Webb: WCRP is raffling off an AR-15. The drawing will be held on December 5th. Tickets are $20 apiece. The Rotary Club of White County is raffling off a 12-gauge shotgun. The tickets are $20 each. NGVS United States Marines Corps Birthday celebration will be at Clyde’s Restaurant on the square in downtown Cleveland on Friday November 10th from 4-6 pm. Yonah Baptist Church is once again hosting their Veteran’s Day Appreciation Luncheon on Tuesday October 31 at 11:00 am. Registration begins at 10:30 am. City of Helen Veteran’s Day Appreciation Lunch starts at 11:00 am. It will be across from Riverside Park across from Big Daddy’s Restaurant. Jack Nix Elementary School will host Veteran’s Day Events at 9:30 am and 1:30 pm. There will also be a Veteran's Day Event on Friday November 10th from 8:30-9:30 am at Testnatee Elementary School. Veteran’s Day Dinner at the Bridge Church located at 607 Hulsey Rd in Cleveland, on Saturday November 11th at 6:00 pm. You can purchase your tickets tonight for $25 each. We need to sell 40 tickets to break even on the event. Anyone who wants their name published in the White County News as a veteran should call The White County News to do so. President Ron Webb introduced the guest speaker, Dr Adam Ervin. Dr Ervin is an Ordained Minister in the International Pentecostal Holiness Church. Currently Dr Ervin is a Hospice Chaplin with the North Georgia Healthcare System in Gainesville, GA. He served in the United States Navy from 2007-2022 and was honorably discharged. In his speech Dr Ervin gave information on NGHS Hospice Program; and also highlighting some of the programs offered to Veterans. Dr Ervin was given a certificate of appreciation by President Ron Webb on behalf of NGVS. Certificate(s) of Appreciation: President Ron Webb presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Terry Mulkee (SGT United States Marine Corp), NGVS Member. The first Certificate was from the State of Georgia for honorable service during the Vietnam War from 1967-1968. Another Certificate was presented to Terry from the Sons of the American Revolution along with a Wounded Warrior Coin in recognition of his service to the US Armed Forces. Final Announcements: Ryan London, Assistant Principal of Mt Yonah Elementary School invited all NGVS members to their Veterans Recognition Day on Friday, November 10 at 9am. President Webb dismissed the meeting. Adjourned at 7:21 pm. Mike O’Donell Recording Secretary, NGVS
Northeast Georgia Veterans Society (NGVS) Minutes of Meeting September 28, 2023
Monthly Dinner meeting of the Northeast Georgia Veterans Society was held Thursday, September 28, 2023, in the conference room of the North Georgia Barbeque, 897 S. Main St, Cleveland, GA in the Colonial Square shopping center.
Meeting called to order by President Ron Webb at 6:30 PM Invocation/Pledge: Invocation led by Paul Watkins. Pledge of Allegiance led by President Ron Webb
Welcome Guests: President Rob Webb welcomed Bill Dillard, USN and Retired State Trooper with the Georgia State Patrol to the meeting. Bill gave a short talk on his background, his stint in the USN and as a State Trooper with Georgia State Patrol.
Health Issues: Ron Webb gave an update on Bob Fredrickson; he is gravely ill. Please pray for Bob. Prayers are also needed for Paul Kozoroz; he is receiving treatment for his illness. Ron Hill has been diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer; it has also spread to his liver. Ron Hill has chosen not to receive chemotherapy. Please keep Ron Hill and his family in prayer during this very challenging time.
Committee Reports: Treasurer, Caleb Huiet provided a detailed treasury report. Announcements: WCRP is raffling off an AR-15. The drawing will be held on December 5th. Tickets are $20 apiece. The Rotary Club of White County is raffling off a 12-gauge shotgun. The tickets are $20 each. The Rotary Club of White County will also be holding a $10,000 raffle to benefit White County Students. Tickets are $150 apiece.
Open Announcements: Bill Higgins has NGVS T-shirts here tonight for sale.
Old Business: The Fallen Soldier Statue will be shipped from China and will arrive in Savannah, GA on or about October 30, 2023. Ron Webb will pick it up at the port as soon as it arrives.
New Business: We are looking for a new place to hold the Marine Corps birthday and the Jack Souza party this year. Ron Webb and Tony McIntyre will work on finding a place. Stay tuned for details. The Veterans Day Dinner will be held on November 11that the Bridge Church again this year, located at 607 Hulsey Rd Cleveland, GA.
President Ron Webb introduced the guest speaker, NGVS VP Bob Ingram. Bob spent 4 years in the USMC with a tour of duty in Vietnam. He joined GBI in 1973 and retired in 2003. He was also Chief Deputy for White County, GA Sherriff Department from 2011-2021. He currently teaches Criminal Justice at Truett-McConnell here in Cleveland, GA. In his presentation he gave a detailed account of the Dixie Mafia that operated in Northeast Georgia for decades.
President Webb dismissed the meeting. Adjourned: 7:30pm
Mike O’Donell Recording Secretary, NGVS
Northeast Georgia Veterans Society (NGVS) Minutes of Meeting August 24, 2023
Monthly Dinner meeting of the Northeast Georgia Veterans Society was held Thursday, August 24, 2023, in the conference room of the North Georgia Barbeque, 897 S. Main St, Cleveland, GA in the Colonial Square shopping center.
Meeting called to order by President Ron Webb at 6:30 PM Pledges/Invocation: Invocation led by Jerry Corley. Pledge of Allegiance led by President Ron Webb
President Rob Webb welcomed 2 visitors: Randy Summers and Rick Charles. They both gave a short background of themselves.
Health Issues: Ron Webb gave an update on Bob Fredrickson; he is back in the hospital with blood clots in his bladder. Please pray for Bob. President Webb also informed us of the passing of Melanie Haney’s dad.
Committee Reports: Ron Hill took notes for the July minutes due to Michael O’Donell’s absence. They were reviewed and approved without a formal vote by unanimous consent. Treasurer, Caleb Huiet provided a detailed treasury report.
Announcements: George Shipley shared about the Cornelia VFW/DAV/American Legion and their cooperation with Straight Street Ministries. This ministry builds ramps and does minor bathroom modifications. George invited anyone interested in participating to see him after the meeting. Also, Melanie Haney is working with Toys for Tots in White, Lumpkin and Stevens Counties. Anyone who would like to be involved in this worthwhile charity please see her after the meeting. Roger Rosdahl spoke about The Killmon Foundation and their silent auction which will be held on September 1, 2023 @ Sheila’s Market located at 2454 Highway 17, Sautee, GA
August 7, 2023, was National Purple Heart Recognition Day. On behalf of NGVS President Ron Webb presented three Purple Heart Awards to the following members: Sgt. Terry L Mulkey, USMC, Major Jack Norris, US Army, S/Sgt John L Green, US Army. An award for Recognition of Service to the US military was given to Paul Watkins.
New Business: President Ron Webbs reminded everyone of the Constitution Day Event at Freedom Park on September the 16, 2023 @ 10:00 AM. Again, this year cash awards will be given out to the top three student essay papers. NGVS members reading the essay papers this year are: Tony McIntyre, Bob Ingram, Ryan London, Caleb Huiet and Mike O’Donell.
President Ron Webb introduced the guest speaker, Cpt. Craig Gottschang USAF. Cpt. Gottschang flew 150 combat missions in Vietnam between 1976-1978. He shared some of his experiences during those times in Vietnam that are detailed in his book Flying Solo. After leaving the Air Force he flew for a national airline carrier until his retirement. President Webb presented Cpt. Gottschang with a Certificate of Appreciation for being our special guest speaker.
President Webb dismissed the meeting. Adjourned: 7:30pm
Mike O’Donell Recording Secretary, NGVS Board Meeting Minutes – NGVS June 22, 2023 – 5:30 pm
Constitution Day: Essays will be given three cash awards for the three best WCHS student papers. The cash awards to be given will be: 1stPlace - $1000 2ndPlace - $750 3rdPlace - $500
A motion by Michael Lambert to approve the amounts. All members of the board were in favor and approved. Motion passed. President Webb will ask WCRP to pay for half of the essay award money. Board members grading the Constitution Day Essays are Bob Ingram, Michael O’Donell, Ron Webb and Tony McIntyre.
The Families of the Fallen Memorial: Contributions are down from local businesses. President Ron Webb will get back to the board members with some ideas of marketing to businesses around Cleveland.
Marine Corps Birthday: It is on November 10. There are two venues proposed: Cha Cha Ballroon and Clyde's Restaurant. Location to be determined.
Meeting Adjourned: President Ron Webb adjourned the meeting at 6:30 pm
Northeast Georgia Veterans Society (NGVS) Minutes of Meeting – June 22, 2023
The monthly dinner meeting of the Northeast Georgia Veterans Society was held on Thursday, June 22, 2023, in the conference room of the North Georgia Barbeque restaurant located at 897 S. Main St, Cleveland, GA in the Colonial Square shopping center.
Meeting called to order: by President Ron Webb @6:30 pm
Invocation: Led by Jerry Corley
Pledge of Allegiance: Led by President Ron Webb
President Webb asked visiting veteran John McGaff (friend of Caleb Huiet) to introduce himself to the members.
President Webb gives a health update on any members that are ill: Paul Kozoroz – out and about; doing well. Bob Ingram asked the membership to pray for an active-duty Marine Corps officer, Maurice Sutton. He has a rare disease that affects the muscles in his legs. Lt. Sutton is a local Marine officer, raised by his grandmother who currently works at Truett McConnell. Please keep him in your prayers.
Treasurer’s report: Caleb Huiet provided a detailed accounting report of the NGVS finances. President Webb encouraged all members who have not paid their annual dues of $35 to please pay them; he added the dues are used for operating funds. New business: President Webb announced that the Constitution Day event will be held at Freedom Park on September 16, 2023, at 10:00 am. The speaker will be Dr Joe Cash, Assistant Principal at Mountain Education Charter High School; he teaches the Constitution Course. In addition, there will be three cash awards for the best essay written by students of WCHS on the Constitution. They will be as follows: 1stPlace - $1,000 2nd Place -$750 3rdPlace -$500
Old business: Family of Fallen Statue – we have not had many donations to date from local businesses. We have brochures available; please grab a few and present them to the businesses you do business with and ask them for a contribution. President Webb asked WWII Veteran Andy Negra to share his Normandy Day experiences from his weeklong trip to France during the first of June.
Certificates of Appreciation: Bob Ingram presented the first Community Service Medal to President Ron Webb. President Webb presented NGVS Certificates of Recognition to the following members: Tom McIntyre, Michael Lambert, Jock Norris, Terry Goodger, William Higgins, Paul Watkins Jr. and Gary Hoyt; in appreciation of their many years of support of our US Armed Forces and their dedication to our Country.
Ticket Raffle: Won by Roger Rosdahle – Donated his winnings back to ngvs.
Meeting adjourned: President Ron Webb adjourned the meeting at 8:00 pm Northeast Georgia Veterans Society (NGVS) BOD Minutes of Meeting April 27th, 2023
President Webb called the meeting to order at 5:30pm on April 27th, 2023. This meeting immediately followed the regular NGVS monthly meeting at North Georgia Barbecue.
The meeting was attended by Ron Webb, Ron Hill, Caleb Huiet, Bob Ingram, Bob Frederickson, Tony McIntyre and Michael Lambert.
President Webb began a discussion regarding fundraising to cover the costs of the Families of Fallen statue and replenishment of the Rondall Glaze Scholarship fund. President Webb stated he had an agreement with Tantrum Brewing to hold a cornhole tournament. Tantrum Brewing has since sold out to NoFo Brewing. The Board discussed approaching NoFo Brewing and inquire as to whether they might donate to the statue and scholarship fund. The Board also decided to canvass the membership and request donations. The cost for the statue and professional installation is estimated to be $8000. President Webb had some flyers printed regarding the statue and the White County soldiers that have given all for this country. The Board discussed placing a notice in the local newspaper to acknowledge any donors. The Board discussed having three categories of donors, Gold, Silver and Bronze based on the amount donated. The Board discussed having a “membership drive” table at the statue unveiling ceremony.
President Webb announced that NGVS has purchased a sponsorship of the Rotary Club pig out at the Sautee Center. The cost of the sponsorship was $100.
Caleb Huiet announced that NGVS was recognized for our contribution to the needy veteran in Habersham County. All local veterans groups contributed to this worthwhile cause.
Ron Webb initiated a discussion of the upcoming Memorial Day Ceremony. Our own Roger Rosdahl will be the guest speaker. Ron Hill will print up the pamphlets for this event. The Memorial Day event will take place at Helen Veterans Park at 10:00am on Monday, May 29th.
All NGVS members are strongly encouraged to attend.
President Webb discussed the First Responder/Law Enforcement awards. The Board acknowledges the importance of recognizing these courageous and hardworking individuals. While the Board decided to table this effort for now it will be addressed again in the coming months.
President Webb adjourned the meeting at 6:10pm NORTHEAST GEORGIA VETERANS SOCIETY (NGVS)
The monthly dinner meeting of the Northeast Georgia Veterans Society was held on Thursday, April 27th, 2023 in the conference room of the North Georgia Barbeque restaurant located at 897 S. Main St, Cleveland, GA in the Colonial Square shopping center.
President Ron Webb called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
President Webb called on Chaplain Mac Macgregor to do the Invocation. President Webb led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.
President Webb called on three new members to introduce themselves: Denny Lydic, Michael Kelley and John Green introduced themselves and gave a brief overview of their military service.
President Webb provided a health update on NGVS member Paul Kozoroz. Paul’s latest updated is he had some lymph nodes removed and has been declared cancer free.
Treasurer Caleb Huiet provided a detailed treasury report.
NGVS member Bill Higgins briefed the membership on tee shirt and polo shirt sales. Anyone wishing to purchase an NGVS shirt see member Bill Higgins. President Webb briefed the membership on the Families of Fallen Statue that NGVS has commissioned. The statue is unique in that it is dedicated to the families of the fallen soldiers. The statue will be erected in Freedom Park on Veterans Day, November 11, 2023. President Webb discussed our fundraising efforts and the need to raise as much money as possible to pay for the statue, professional installation and replenish our Glaze Scholarship fund. Brochures were passed out to the membership explaining this initiative.
There will be a Memorial Day Ceremony at Helen Veterans Park o10:00 amand get-togethers11:00 amn May 29that 10:00am. NGVS member Roger Rosdahl will be the guest speaker. Roger is a captivating speaker with a truly sincere tribute to his combat buddy who was KIA in Vietnam. All NGVS members are encouraged to attend. Please wear the NGVS uniform.
An NGVS member briefed the membership on the Vet-to-Vet Café. This activity is open to any veteran in the community. It is an open forum for vets to talk, share their stories in a compassionate atmosphere. The get togethers will be held the s12:00 pm4-yearecond Thursday of each month from 11:00am to 12:00pm in the community room of the Helen Library. The Helen Library is located at 90 Pete’s Park Rd, Helen, GA 30545. Their phone number is 706-878-2438.
Old business:
President Webb introduced Griffin Defoor, this year’s recipient of the Rondall Glaze Scholarship. Mr. Defoor is a 4 year JROTC participant while achieving Superior Cadet status. Mr. Defoor has tearned an appointment to the United States Military Academy at West Point. President Webb congratulated Mr. Defoor while presenting him with an NGVS certificate award of the Rondall Glaze Scholarship.
As there was no guest speaker, the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 pm.
Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting, March 23, 2023
A Board of Directors meeting of the Northeast Georgia Veterans Society was held
March 23, 2023 in the conference room of the North Georgia Barbeque, 897 S. Main St,
Cleveland, GA in the Colonial Square shopping center.
Meetingwas called to order by President Ron Webb at 5:5:30 PM,30PM and welcomed Board of
Director members Bob Ingram, Caleb Huiet, Tony McIntyre and Ron Hill Honorary
President Webb discussed the recent email from Bill Miles, VFW Post Commander
posting information about a Veteran in need and seeking donations to keep him from
becoming homeless. Tony McIntyre made a motion to donate $100 seconded by Caebthe
Huiet. Vote unanimous. Caleb will mail check to Bill Miles.
President Webb discussed the possibility of rain Saturday at the plannedand at Vietnam
Veteran Day program at Freedom Park. After considerable discussion it was decided to
not make any changes will be as scheduled 10am10 am,detailed, Saturday March 25.
Ron Hill presented to the BOM for their approval of his detail proposal to place a
bronze statue of a U.S. military officer presenting the American flag to the families of
deceased White County service members at Freedom Park, to be placed in front of the
memorial markers. Upon approval of the NGVS BOM, Ron Webb will present the
proposal to the White County Board of Commissioners on Monday April 4th. If they
approve the proposal, Ron Hill will immediately send as his personal donation, the 30
percent down payment to start production. It will take 3 weeks to produce the statue
and 4 weeks for it to arrive insometime6:10 PM Savannah. We should have it some time in June.
The proposal was unanimously approved.
Adjourned: 6:10PM
Ron Hill
Northeast Georgia Veterans Society (NGVS) Minutes of Meeting March 23, 2023
Monthly Dinner meeting of the Northeast Georgia Veterans Society was held Thursday, March 23, 2023 in the conference room of the North Georgia Barbeque, 897 S. Main St, Cleveland, GA in the Colonial Square shopping center.
Meeting called to order by President Ron Webb at 6:30 PM Pledges/ Invocation Invocation led by Andy Negra Pledge of Allegiance led by President Ron Webb
President Webb welcomed members and visitors Committee Reports: Michael Lambert, Secretary (Absent) - The February minutes by Ron Hill were posted on NGVS web site, reviewed, and approved without a formal vote by unanimous consent. Treasurer Caleb Huiet provided a detailed treasury report.
President Webb gave an update on Paul Kozoroz health, doing better tumor not responding to treatment plans to remove by surgery. Melanie Haney advised that her husband had had back surgery but he was recuperating and doing as well as could be expected.
Old Business: Glaze Scholarship committee Chairman Bob Ingram reported the selection of Griffin Jackson Defoor, a White County High School student who has been accepted to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. Defoor had a 3.9 GPA and was Student Commander, Lt. Colonel, of the WCHS JROTC, AP Scholar with distinction, and President of WCHS Senior Class.. Cadet Defoor will be awarded a $1500 scholarship.
President Webb read a note of appreciation to all members offromS form the Jack Sousa family.
Bill Higgins announced that he still has several new designed logo NGVS tee shirts and to see him after the meeting to purchase.
New Business:
President Webb stated we would conduct the Veterans Day Ceremony at Freedom Park Saturday 10am as planned, in the event of rain will postpone until Wednesday March 29th at 10am Freedom Park.
George Shipley expressed in detail the need for additional members of the White County Honor Guard.and volunteers for the Marine Corps League “Toys for Tots” program.
President Webb introduced Ron Hill who presented Sons Of the American Revolution Award to: Major Jack Norris US Army (Retired) a Wounded Warrior Coin and Certificate and gave Jack a Blue Ridge Mountains SAR Chapter coin and his own personal coin.
Prsident Webb showed the membership an artist rendering of a statute that depicts a kneeling U.S. Army Honor Guard member presenting a flag to a family member of a fallen military veteran. The proposal will be presented to the White County Board of Commissioners for authorization to place the statute in Freedom Park in front of the White County Veterans Memorial that has the names of 34 White County residents who were causalities of war since WWI.
President Ron Webb welcomed guest speaker US Army, Lt. Colonel (retired) Richard Hobson who is the current Commander of the JROTC program at White County High School. If you have children or grandchildren who are about to enter high school, you will want to hear this presentation. Col. Hobson has an excellent JROTC program that has won national awards and he has been awarded "Teacher of the Year" honors at White County High School. President Webb thanked Colonel Hobson for a most informative presentation and presented him a NGVS Challenge Coin and a NGVS Certificate of Appreciation.
Roger conducted a ticket sale of a “50-50” raffle for the NGVS general fund. George Shipley won the raffle and donated his winnings back to the NGVS.
Adjourned: 7:35pm
Ron Hill, Honorary Secretary
Northeast Georgia Veterans Society (NGVS) Minutes of Meeting January 26th, 2023
The monthly dinner meeting of the Northeast Georgia Veterans Society was held on Thursday, January 26th, 2023 in the conference room of the North Georgia Barbeque restaurant located at 897 S. Main St, Cleveland, GA in the Colonial Square shopping center.
President Ron Webb called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.
President Webb called on Chaplain Mac Macgregor to do the Invocation. President Webb led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.
President Webb called on two new members to introduce themselves: LTC Charley C. Bryant II (Cliff) and SGT Ryan London gave us a brief overview of their military service.
President Webb provided a health update on NGVS member Paul Kozoroz. Paul continues to fight against his illnesses but will need additional surgery.
Treasurer Caleb Huiet provided a detailed treasury report.
President Webb spoke about recently deceased member Jack Souza. Jack passed away over the weekend and his funeral was today. NGVS, led by President Webb, provided an Honor Guard for Jack at the funeral. Jack was a valued member of NGVS, his church and community and will be greatly missed by all.
President Webb advised that the NGVS “uniform” for special events is a blue blazer, white shirt, grey slacks, black shoes and a red, white and blue rep tie. This tie may be purchased via the American Legion website: NGVS members should endeavor to obtain this tie and the other required elements of the NGVS “uniform”.
NGVS member Roger Rosdahl’s foundation will provide scholarship money to each of NGVS member Jack Souza’s great grandchildren. There was no pending Old business. Under New business, President Webb solicited volunteers for the Blaze Scholarship Committee. NGVS members Tom Sieswerrda, Michael O’Donell and NGVS Vice President Bob Ingram volunteered.
Possible new projects for 2023 will be giving the law enforcement departments for Cleveland, Helen and White County an officer of the year monetary award.
President Webb introduced the guest speaker Linda Ebert Ariff. Linda has a very extensive résumé mostly in support of veterans and their families. Linda is a leader in the Military Order of the World Wars organization. Her accomplishments are very impressive
The 50/50 raffle was conducted and